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How to Send an Email Reminder?

You may choose to send an Email reminder to customer if the customer's email address is stored in the Customer database. Simply select the "Email customer a reminder ..." check box and number of day(s) before the appointment you'd like the reminder to be sent. The customer then will receive an email reminder such as:

Dear <Customer Name>,

This a reminder about your appointment @ <your business name> at 5:00 PM PDT on Tue April 3, 2018. We look forward to seeing you then! If you have any question, please call us at <your business phone number>.

<your business name>
<your business address, phone number & email address>

You can also customize the reminder message template from the app's setting page. {Store}, {Time} and {Phone} are variables in the template and will be substituted with your business name, appointment time and your business phone number.

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